Who We're Looking For

Michael Lawrence Associates seeks commissions from those who have a need for landscape architecture that is appropriate and innovative, that provides satisfying relationships between the natural and built environment; for those who have faith in the human spirit, our future and confidence in artful problem solving.
Our design tradition is based on the concept of service using functional analysis and comparison to achieve a high degree of usefulness and "sense of place." This is an art, and not always an entirely rational process. 
Consensus building is its first task. 
MLA operates on the wisdom that human cooperation is based on respect. People from widely differing traditions can take delight and be fruitful in places where they feel welcomed.
A feeling of welcome is fundamental to the initiation of friendship. People respond instinctively to places that communicate "hospitality", We endeavor to engender in our designs that sense of welcome that fosters joy and friendship.
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